woensdag 17 juni 2015

Edited photo

This assignment is about editing photos. I took a random portrait picture of myself, and edited the picture, using Picasa. I have been changing the light, contrast, shadows, colours and accents. Also, I have added several effects on it. The picture is kind of vague, but I am still recognisable. I really like the way several things are left out, while others are stressed, by the filter 'pencil sketch', I hope you like the picture. Underneath, you can find the edited picture. I have not included the original picture, because I do not want to put photos of myself in this weblog.

Collage about myself

In order to complete this assignment, I had to create a collage about myself, without putting pictures of myself in it. I had to use mainly pictures from newspapers and magazines.

I have put in several things about myself. I have put in football players that I like. I have put some things about chess in it, since I play chess a lot. I have also glued pictures of some cars in it. Furthermore, there is some delicious food in it as well. finally, there is 'the eye of the tiger' in it. I really like that song. In this way, I tried to give a proper view of myself, by putting pictures in it about my interests. 

I received a 7 for it. I was definitely satisfied with that.

Underneath, you can find a picture of my collage. It is not in perfect condition, since it had to endure the wild adventures of my sac à dos. 

dinsdag 31 maart 2015

Amazing self portrait with sarcastic undertone

Hello to my very small but appreciated group of watchers of my blog. I have not had any art education for half a year, and before that I had holiday, and not really anything to post. Anyhow, here I am again to post my 'beautiful' creations. By the way, this is the last year that I am going to post these. Next year, and the following years, That is because I will not have art education the upcoming years.

For this assignment, I had to make a self portrait, in Vincent van Gogh's style. However, that was not the worst. Because what's worse than making one self portrait in Van Gogh's style? Indeed, making two self portraits in Van Gogh's style! However, I had to use different colours in the paintings, and my face had to express different emotions at the two portraits.

This might seem extremely complicated, and in fact it is. I frankly did not now how to do this. I was told to start with the background so I did that. I just literally took some yellow paint, some red paint and a brush. Than I started to pound the brush onto the paper like an idiot. And I did it more. And then with different colour proportions (so more red and less yellow or the other way around). After that I did the same with yellow and blue in the other painting. I literally had no clue what I was doing. However, my art teacher complimented me on my work. She thought it was very nice, and although it is not typical Van Gogh, it was still Van Gogh style. The assignment did not seem that hard anymore.

However, I had to make the face and my upper body afterwards. That did not really work out. At the end, I also put some vague stripes through everything, to make it even more artistic (sarcastic undertone). I though I had completely messed up.

Nevertheless, there was a final surprise to this assignment; the mark. The mark I got was, astonishingly enough, behold, build up some tension...
An 8!!!!!!

This is the highest mark I ever got for an artwork I made. Although I do not think it is worth such a mark, my art teacher did. Therefore I find it my greatest work, even greater than the others (heavy sarcastic undertone.

Underneath you can find some pictures of my work. I hope you have the same opinion about it as my art teacher. My excuses for the bad photo quality, my Huawei is not really good anymore (and never was, in fact).

woensdag 12 maart 2014

Skateboard deck

At school in Art Education class, I've made a skateboard deck. I don't think it's really good or something, and it wasn't even finished. Luckily I still earned a 6.5 for it. The skateboard shows my name. I think the B, the S and the exclamation mark are rather boring but the A is pretty cool. You can't see it from this picture, but the A is built up out of very small semicircles, in purple green and blue. It makes it look like it has some kind of scales. By and Large, I don't think it's very good, and it's a pity I didn't finish in time, but I've made worse and the A looks pretty cool in my opinion.

woensdag 11 december 2013


For art, we had to do another assignment. We had to draw a bike, and add some elements into in Keith Haring-style. I only did a very small part in Keith Haring-style, but I did that because I'm not really good at it. It still has to be marked, but I will post that as well when I know.


In art class, we must have a folder to put all our artworks into.. We make a new one every year. I just made a new one this year. I think it looks horrible, but that's because we had to paint it, and you must only use white (of your paper), black, and one support colour. It shows my name, my class, a lighting bolt, a chess piece (the white king) and something that has to represent the logo of Manchester United F.C. (my favourite football club). I earned a 6.5 for it.

zondag 8 december 2013

Assignment introducing yourself

For art, I had to do assignment a few weeks ago. It was about introducing yourself. This is what I made (I'm sorry it's not a high quality photograph):
We were given a sheet, and we had to draw a big square onto. In that square we had to make our drawing. In your drawing, there had to be:
  • Your initials
  • Your constellation sign
  • A hobby of you
  • Something you take with you to school (in your bag) every day.
  • A symbol which connects these things.
My initials are BvD. Because I'm named Bas van Doren, I could also choose, BD. I've chosen BvD because it becomes a smiley when you turn it 90 degrees. 
My constellation sign is Scorpio, so I've put that into as well. 
My biggest hobby is playing chess, so I drew a pawn.
I always take an eraser with me, but that eraser looks like an iPhone. Therefore, I drew that as well.
I chose a lightning bolt as symbol to connect these, because it was the perfect shape to use there.

I earned a 7.0 for it.

Now I'm working on a skateboard deck, and I'll post that as well when it's finished. Therefore, stay tuned and you'll see more soon.