woensdag 17 juni 2015

Edited photo

This assignment is about editing photos. I took a random portrait picture of myself, and edited the picture, using Picasa. I have been changing the light, contrast, shadows, colours and accents. Also, I have added several effects on it. The picture is kind of vague, but I am still recognisable. I really like the way several things are left out, while others are stressed, by the filter 'pencil sketch', I hope you like the picture. Underneath, you can find the edited picture. I have not included the original picture, because I do not want to put photos of myself in this weblog.

Collage about myself

In order to complete this assignment, I had to create a collage about myself, without putting pictures of myself in it. I had to use mainly pictures from newspapers and magazines.

I have put in several things about myself. I have put in football players that I like. I have put some things about chess in it, since I play chess a lot. I have also glued pictures of some cars in it. Furthermore, there is some delicious food in it as well. finally, there is 'the eye of the tiger' in it. I really like that song. In this way, I tried to give a proper view of myself, by putting pictures in it about my interests. 

I received a 7 for it. I was definitely satisfied with that.

Underneath, you can find a picture of my collage. It is not in perfect condition, since it had to endure the wild adventures of my sac à dos.