Johannes Itten was a Swiss artist, designer and teacher. He lived from 1888 till 1967. He's famous for his theories about colours. He's the designer of the famous 'farbkreis'. He's studied at the Bauhaus academy. In 1925, after he's taken his dismissal at Bauhaus he's started the 'Johannes Ittenschule' in Berlin.
The 'farbkreis' by Johannes Itten |
The 'farbkreis' shows how all the colours are made. In this colour wheel they use the primary and secondary colours an artist use. That means that the primary colours are yellow, blue and red, and the primary colours green, orange and purple.
The primary colours are three colours, and as you mix this colours you can make every colour.
The secondary colours are also three colours, this are the colours those you can make directly with mixing the primary colours:
On this way you also can see which colours are complementary with each other. Complementary colours are colours those are precise opposite each other in the 'farbkreis' or in another colour wheel. The complementary colours in the primary and secondary colours are:
Johannes Itten |
yellow-purple, because purple= blue+red, so no yellow
blue-orange, because orange=yellow+red, so no blue
red-green, because green=yellow+blue, so no red
This is a sheet on which I've painted, coloured, drawn, and more. The hole sheet has to do with colour mixing. The sun shows hot and cold colours, the painted part shows lots of colours, but we've made them with red, yellow, blue and white. It isn't painted really well, but the most colours are good recognisable. The part with the flowers shows complementary colours. The one left at the top shows the three primary colours, what happens if you mix these into secondary colours, and what happens if you mix them all. It was an assignment for art education at school and I've worked on it at school several lessons. My opinion? I like the sun, but the rest is not good I think. My mark for it is a six/ |
It's almost the most used and famous colour wheel.